Friday 10 January 2020

All About Rachel Harries

Rachel Harries 

I live in sunny Barrybados made famous by “Gavin and Stacey”. 
I can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t creating something, some of my earliest memories are of creating with my Grandparents, my Grandfather taught me to knit at a very early age and there wasn’t a lolly stick or empty toilet roll that wasn’t used in some sort of construction. I don’t think there was ever a moment when something wasn’t being made, this carried on with my parents too so I really was fortunate to have a head start in that regard. 

As well as enjoying all kinds of creative practise in my own time, I incorporated creative media with some of my client’s as a Counsellor and found it the most perfect way to allow people to bypass all the defensive mechanisms that can get in the way of healing. 
Poor health forced me to give up my therapeutic practise and to keep myself relatively sane I focused more on arts and crafts.

I was very fortunate to have been involved with Scrappers Unlimited where I taught a couple of lessons for my late and wonderful friend Chrissie Gwyther, I also put together lessons for a small group locally, this has moved on to having a lesson last year included in Effy Wilds amazing Book of Days, a year long online art journalling course.  I’ve been fortunate enough to feature on Hochanda’s blog as on of their ambassadors, I’ve done some design team work for Hobbybase and I’m currently making samples for Polkadoodles I do some artwork and illustrations for other projects and have a couple of exciting projects on the go in that respect and now of course Lisa Horton Crafts. 
I love to share techniques and ideas and I’m always happy to answer any questions or help in anyway I can. I really enjoy helping people get results from their crafting that make them smile, it’s one of the greatest joys there is, I’m looking forward to hosting small workshops from my home studio in the not to distant future. 
You can find me 

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you have helped a lot of people through your love of craft Rachel. I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful work xx
