Monday 13 February 2023


Good morning all.

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend?

Did we all enjoy Lisa's live on Friday night?  She is very naughty and you are all very naughty for encouraging her! 😂😂😂😂 

Mind you, I've got to be honest.  When you see what is coming up, even after what Lisa showed you on Friday night, you are going to be absolutely in awe!

Every time I think she has surpassed herself and things can't get any better, they do exactly that!!  I know all things happen for a reason but I so wish she had made the decision to go out on her own years ago.  All these ideas that have been stored up in her head for all that time - it must have been so frustrating.  Still, she sure is making up for lost time now isn't she?

I mean, that Box Kit!!!! WOW! 

I can promise you one thing though - the quality of this kit is off the scale!!  I cannot begin to calculate just how many projects you will be able to make with this kit.  Once you have seen the Unboxing Video you will be totally blown away.  I was when I opened it - I was like, ooh that's nice, but oooh that's gorgeous and so it went on!  Hours and hours of endless fun to be had.  I mean, come on, have I ever lied to you about Lisa's product? Lol


Anyway, back to the business of the week.

Bit of a quieter week this week:

Monday 13th February

I will be live in the Crafting with Lisa Horton Group at 1pm as usual.

No Claire on Tuesday as it is half term.

Wednesday 15th February

Project Day on the blog.

Thursday 16th February

I will be live in the Crafting with Lisa Horton Group at 1pm.

Friday 17th February

Lisa will be live at 7pm as usual. Links later in the week.


Just thought I'd mention our bi-monthly challenge that happens in the group.  Lisa always gives a fabulous prize to someone she chooses from all the entrants.  So what have you got to lose, why not enter your next card?  Just follow the instructions for the challenge and Bob's your Uncle!

Just click the pick to go directly to the Album in the group, have a look at the entries so far and give it a go.  You've got to be in it to win it! Lol

Remember to keep adding your fabulous projects to the group as we will be choosing one card to be our Card of the Month.


Finally, to our Words of Wisdom

See you Wednesday


1 comment:

  1. Lovely blog Dawn 😘
    I have to agree those interference inks are truly special. Iv only just used them today and boy are they fabulous.
    The new box kit is very lovely although not sure if I can manage to get this one 😔 I’m sure there shall be others on the horizon.
    I’m looking forward to the new features coming in the blog 😘
    Love the challenges although sometimes I wonder if Iv added too many entries ðŸĪŠ I just can’t stop making cards it’s definitely my happy place.
    Thank you for all the information Dawn. Lovely words of wisdom again.
    See you Thursday at 1pm
    Lots of love
    Connie 💜
