Friday 23 December 2022


 Good morning all.

Well, here we are on Christmas Eve, Eve and I have to say what I don't have, haven't done, I will go without and it won't get done now until after Boxing Day.

I think I misled you all when I posted in the group the other day.  It is hubby who has the chest infection, not me, lol.  Fortunately he was given antibiotics so hopefully will be well on the mend by Christmas Day.  Christmas Day is a quiet day in our house, just Graham and I.  We shall be going over to see the grandchildren on Boxing Day to give them their presents and spend some time with them. It is a day I always look forward to.  Children give so much without even trying don't they? 

I took them out for lunch on Tuesday which was lovely.  It was a day tinged with sadness though as my Mother In Law died that morning.  Bless her heart, she had a good life at 96 but I shall miss her dearly.  Amie and I talked about whether to still go out but decided that it might just do us both good and indeed it did.


I shall be doing some more pencil drawings over the holidays - my mindfulness pastime that I love and of course doing some sample making for Lisa's next Create and Craft shows on 11th and 12th January, I just know you are going to adore what is on those shows, they are FAB-U-LOUS Daaahling!

You know I love being a part of Lisa's Design Team - the lives that we share are a huge part of my life and I love doing them.  The thing I love about them the most is the chat that goes alongside the craft - sometimes questions, sometimes funny quips but most of all - friendship.  I do think we are really lucky to have a fabulously friendly group on Facebook, especially when you think how many people we have in the group.  So to anyone who will be on their own this Christmas - if you are looking for some company, then why not pop in to the Crafting with Lisa Horton group and just say Hi.  There is bound to be someone on line at the same time as you.  


So here is my little Words of Wisdom piece for today:

It just remains for me to say to you all, have a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

I look forward to 2023 with a joy in my heart for all the good things that are to come and for everyone to be able to get back to some sort of normal life, without strikes, high fuel costs and high inflation.  Let's face it, it can't be any worse than 2022 ......... can it? 🙏🙏


See you on the Flip Side.




  1. Hi Dawn, hope you have a very Merry Christmas, we are on our own this year, which we both prefer to be honest. Sorry you have lost your M-I-L.. thinking of you.
    Pam x

  2. Oh Dawn I actually thought it was you with the chest infection but do hope your husband is getting over it for the festive.
    I am so sorry to hear of your mother in laws passing especially at this time of the year when it’s supposed to be a time of happiness. Sending my sincere condolences to you And your family.
    We shall be staying home this Christmas as the horrid infection Iv had myself has not gone away as yet so shall be quiet for us too. It’s a lovely thought for those out there on their own this Christmas to know they can pop into the group at any time and know there’s someone there. Beautiful words today 🥰
    Enjoy your artwork Dawn and looking forward to seeing what Lisa brings to us in 2023

  3. The same to you.. looking forward to see what 2023 brings xx😘😘

  4. Hi Dawn so sorry to hear your news.Hope hubby is better soon.Take care and thankyou for all you do xx

  5. Hi Dawn. I hope your hubby feels much better today. I was sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. Loss always feels particularly poignant at this time of year doesn't it.
    Despite this I hope you manage to have a lovely Christmas, especially Boxing Day with the little ones. They do keep us happy don't they. Love, Liz Castle x

  6. Thank you Dawn your lives are great inspiration and Its lovely to know that if I cant make a live I can catch up. I do know what a sad time this will be I lost my mum just before christmas 12 years ago😔 I wish you and the design team a relaxing christmas and will catch you in the new year x Katherine Smith
