Wednesday 4 January 2023


Hello everyone.

How are you all doing?  Have you all finished eating all those goodies you bought in for Christmas yet?  I have to be honest and say we didn't but much extra in at all this year.  You know, we normally go out and buy pate, nice cheeses, crusty bread etc etc.  But this year we decided not to do that.  Actually I did order some pate but it was awful.  It had no taste and the texture was really grainy.  Shan't be buying that again!  Waitrose best too!  I shall stick with my normal shop and just add in a nice extra large chicken as neither of us are keen on turkey.

I did get some chocolate for Christmas but again, I thought I had missed it (trying to get to my target weight on Slimming World) but it appears that what I actually missed was the thought of the chocolate, not the actual taste.  Mad isn't it?  I have been doing Slimming World for so long now I actually think I don't really like much in the way of sweet stuff any more.  Every cloud eh? Lol


Have any of you made any New Year's Resolutions?  I haven't really other than trying to put myself at the top of my "to do" list!  I don't think any of us really do that do we?  We are so good at putting other people first, even if we are poorly, we still do things for others rather than looking after ourselves?  Tell me I'm right, please?  My aim for this year is to improve my pencil art, be more organised in my craft and not be so critical of what I do.  Again, I think we all do that too don't we?  

Have you all been enjoying the DT samples being posted in the group?  Lisa always says that she can tell when a product is going to be popular based on the samples that come in from the Design Team.  So it looks like this next release is going to be very VERY popular! I know we say it all the time but I really do think that our Design Team are second to none!  They always smash it out of the park with their samples don't they?  I think we have quite a diverse team who all bring something a little different to the table don't you?


So, I have a question for you.

The meet the Team feature is coming to an end soon, in about three weeks I think.  What would you like to see in it's place?  I mean we do a project on a Wednesday - a huge thank you to all the DT girls that send me those projects - I'd  be lost without you!  Monday and Friday are more about information for upcoming events throughout the week and links for Lives that you may have missed.

So, it's over to you - tell me what you would like to see on the blog.  I'm sure you don't want to come here three times a week just to read my ramblings now do you? Lol  (I won't be offended if you say no, but I might cry a bit!)πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Finally, I shall leave you with the Words of Wisdom, (I'm quite liking this idea - are you happy for it to carry on??)

See you Friday!




  1. I'm enjoying the blog. Definitely frozen the rest of the mince pies. Made a turkey and kept over pie which will do 2 of us 3 dinners so that's cut and in the freezer. I'm a Weight Watchers girl and I lost 8stone with them and reached target a good few years ago. Not telling you how old I was lol. I've enjoyed the meet the team. Live to put the name, face and information together. Really enjoying your lives and the other DT lives. Please keep up those as I learn so much, and thank you for those. I love to see the DT samples even if my purse won't stretch to a purchase. So Happy New Year to you all. I just love this friendly group. It really is the best.

    1. Thank you Sue. WW or SW - it's whatever works for you isn't it? Sounds like you have some lovely meals to look forward to as well. Dx

  2. I always enjoy a read, I do like the quotes. I also like the lives which give ideas if you are stuck. Keep up the good work and thank you! Trudy xx

  3. I love the blog and have vowed to make time to read them more as sometimes l think "oh l'll read that later" and never do. Comes back to putting ourselves at the top of the to do list doesn't it! Love Sue Fox 😘

    1. It sure does Sue. I think we all need to make more "me time". Dx

  4. I'm new to the blog and enjoy reading it. We have a ridiculous amount of cheese left and chocolate. Im determined to be a less messy crafter this year and clear up as I go. ( It won't happenπŸ˜‚). Also to get weight off and walk more. Fingers crossed. Happy New year to you and the team x

    1. Love Heather Butcher x

    2. Lol, I know that feeling too Heather. I always say I need to be tidier but it only ever happens when I am due to do a live! Lol Dx

  5. Really enjoying reading the blog and looking at all the inspiration from the DT.. so thank you and Happy New Year xx

  6. Like you we didn't go 'over the top' with food and treats this time around and still had plenty to share! Must admit to having some chocolates but they'll keep a good while yet. Words of wisdom are good, have loved getting to know the design team but not a clue how to follow on from it - will put my thinking cap on but it may take a while as still suffering a bit of 'flu fog!! Su Robson xx

    1. It's certainly been a nasty flu bug this year Su, I hope you feel better very soon lovely. Dx

  7. Hello
    I like the blog and your ramblings makes me feel normal. I hadnt eaten chocolates for 6 minths so a quality street tub later and a quick listen to a hypno session and I should get back on track I manage to lose a stone so want to keep it of if poss. A revisit back to the old er projects would be good and may be a different take on them Keep up the good work Dawn x

  8. Above comment is me normally known as Katherine Smith. Still looking to how get name changeπŸ™„ 🀣

    1. Ooh now there's an idea to look at Kate. Thanks. Dx

  9. Hi Dawn, I like reading your “ramblings” and it makes you feel much more like a real person. Love being a part of this lovely creative and inclusive group. Thank you for all the time you put into supporting us all on crafting, and life, journeys xx Vicki Lofts/Storey

    1. Aww thank you Vicki. If you don't mind reading them I certainly don't mind rambling! Lol Dx

  10. Another fabulous blog Dawn. πŸ₯°
    I too am a chicken lover rather than turkey although with being poorly over the festive on this occasion we didn’t have anything but now we have time to make up for it.
    Loved being able to meet the team on here. It’s nice to know a little about you all. I dare say you shall be last Dawn πŸ’œ
    Can I make a suggestion please? How about featured card of the month? Or week if you can 😘 it would be lovely to get everyone crafting again. There doesn’t have to be a prize it’s just nice to see your makes up there in the blog. Only a suggestion 😘 only I’d hate to see you cry Dawn 🀣🀣
    I think your right about the new products they shall fly out the door before they even get to create and craft. I’m so looking forward to being able to purchase them and more so being able to use them.
    Thanks again Dawn for a wonderful blog I really love the quotes and todays is never a truer saying 😜
    Lots of love
    Connie πŸ’œ

    1. Awww bless you Connie, I always look forward to your comments. I like the idea you have suggested, one to work on for sure. Dx

    2. πŸ’œπŸ’œ

  11. Sandra Beresford4 January 2023 at 19:21

    Enjoy reading the blog & the ',words of wisdom '. I'm also trying to get back on track to achieve my Slimming world target as well as making more time for crafting and being 'creative' instead doing everything in a rush. Hoping that reducing my working hours to 4 days a week will help πŸ™‚. I'd be interested to know more about the design and manufacturing process of LH products.... what happens between Lisa sitting at her desk thinking of ideas to the point where she launches them on a Friday night live. Thanks

    1. Thank you Sandra. I understand totally your suggestion and I would need to talk to Lisa about that one as it may be a case of keeping her cards close to her chest if you get me? I'll certainly give it some thought. Good luck with the healthy eating too. Dx

  12. Hi Dawn. Please keep up your ramblings. I really enjoy reading your blogs and the lives and the marvellous quotes. I'm still polishing off the Christmas cake but, as we were visiting family over that week, we thankfully didn't buy a lot of festive food. 🀣 Anyway I'm looking forward to the next LH show on C&C and all 2023 LH products. Liz Castle x

    1. Thanks Liz. I'll just ramble away then. Lol I usually make a Dundee cake for my daughter and one for us. We decided that we wouldn't have one this year and having had a slice of Amie's on Boxing Day I was definitely regretting that decision. Duh!! Oh 2023 is going to be A M A Z I N G!!! Dx

  13. The blog is always a great read and I like how we get a little reminder when there’s a new post. As for Christmas leftovers well that’s quite a sore point with me. When I asked my husband to double check the order and delivery date of a rather large turkey the request was check, not order 😑 The first thing I knew about the error was an email from DPD just before delivery. His task was to find a local charity that we could donate it to but sadly and to my surprise he only found one through our local councillor who would only accept it if it was cooked. Oven space isn’t easy to find for one turkey never mind two. It was cut into more manageable pieces and frozen. I am however taking some of my other festive excess to the local hospice who have asked for them to be donated which I think is a great idea. Lorraine x

    1. It's that old saying Lorraine isn't it? If you want a job doing........ Lol What a lovely thought though to donate it but how sad that no-one wanted to take it unless cooked. You will be eating Turkey until next Christmas now won't you? Lol I am sure the Hospice will be extremely grateful. I find it sad that they have to struggle the way they do. Dx
