Tuesday 14 January 2020

Stencil Galore - TheMissHaven

Hello, and Happy 2020 everyone!! I am pretty sure that just yesterday we were ringing in 2010... Seriously, it happened in the blink of an eye! 

Today, I am here with my first Lisa Horton Crafts DT project! I will have a new project post each month on this blog. Lisa sent me a lovely selection of her new products being released in 2020 – and oh boy! Everything is gorgeous! I can't wait for you to see the January releases on Create and Craft TV on the 20th of January 2020.

Today’s project is full of layers and just oozes mixed media.

I've used a ton of different stencils and I think it really makes the card come alive as you can see in the zoomed-in photos. The stencils are such wonderful quality and for someone that isn't particularly artsy it is very easy to suddenly feel like Piccasso ;) 

The Stencils I have used are Sunburst and tartan.

Below is a tutorial I created for you to see what can be done with Lisa’s new Stencils. 

I hope you enjoyed my project! I will be back next month with more amazing Lisa Horton Crafts eye candy! {smile} 
