Monday 7 November 2022


A very happy Monday morning to you all.

I hope you had a lovely weekend despite some of the awful weather we have had.

I've got to be honest, I hate Bonfire Night. If we are commemorating the successful foiling of a plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament why are we celebrating the fact with, essentially, explosives?

 My poor cat, and I'm sure so many other pets, has been really scared and on edge for the past few days.  I mean, Bonfire Night used to be November 5th and that was that.  But, these days it seems to start the week of Halloween and then just go on and on and on. 

Now we have fireworks for any occasion it seems.  Don't get me wrong I like to watch the colours and the displays I just don't see the need for such loud explosions to accompany them.

Anyhoooooo, moan over, lol.

So what have we got on this week?

Monday 7th November

Well, our lovely DESIGNER OF THE YEAR Lisa Horton (just in case you hadn't heard! Lol) will be on Create and Craft this evening at 6pm and 9pm for her One Day Special.  


Now you all know the One Day Special is the gorgeous Flower Blooms and the Foliage Elements, and on top of that we have the Modern Berries Die Set.   They are such gorgeous Embossing Folders, Stencils and Dies and will be useful in soooo many ways.  I know a lot of you have been shopping ahead of the shows so I hope you will all be able to purchase what you want. 

As well as the new release, Lisa will also be showcasing the fabulous Lily Bloom Layering Stencils, Embossing Folder and Die set so I though I would use it in my live later today.

I do hope you can join me at 1pm in the CWLH group.

Tuesday 8th November

Lisa will be back on Create and Craft today at 10am and 2pm with the One Day Special (if she has any left that is, lol)

Claire will be live with you at 1pm over in the CWLH group.

If you missed last week's live from Claire, here is the link for the edited version on our You Tube channel.

Wednesday 9th November

Project Wednesday here on the Blog.

Thursday 10th November

I will be live in the CWLH group at 1pm

Friday 11th November

Lisa will be live at 7pm for her usual Friday night Live.

Links later in the week.


Finally, the next instalment of our 

Meet the Team feature.

This week we are getting to know the lovely Mary Kelly

How many jobs did you have before you found your Dream job?  

I always wanted to be a teacher and have been for 24 years. If I could have a craft job of my choice it would to teach craft or write and design for a crafting magazine.

Chinese or Indian?

Fish & Chips or Pizza?
Fish and Chips

Surf or Turf?

Dogs or Cats?
 Neither! 😯 would love a hedgehog though 😂

Sport or not?

 Love to watch it especially tennis

Music whilst crafting or not?

Either that or something from LHC you tube

Favourite film genre?

Romantic comedy

Favourite music genre?


What is your MOST favourite LHC product?

 Tough question, nested scalloped rectangles I think

What is your dream for the future?

Health and Happiness for my family and friends and to see LHC reaching more and more crafters😀

So, that's your lot for today.

See you Wednesday




  1. Totally with you re the 'bangers' and I don't have pets just been terrified ever since a narrow escape when a firework was thrown by someone when I was a child - luckily for me it didn't go off! Got my order in for the lovely new blooms/foliage and berries so now looking forward to seeing the 'contingency' lol! Nice to put Mary's face to her name - really like this who's who on a Monday. See you at 1pm xx Su Robson

  2. Oh Dawn my lovely cocker spaniel was so frightened by the fireworks and loud bangers going off both in the distance and in the area which is unusual as our area is normally pretty quiet. My right leg is full of claw marks from where he was jumping up at me on Saturday night bless him. He’s been going out extra early to try and avoid the noise but hey ho it’s part of life each year isn’t it. I totally agree when you say they’re getting louder, me personally I don’t like them at all now. I used to love to watch them but just like to stay indoors now. And that’s my moan lol
    A huge congratulations again to Lisa on winning designer of the year, she so deserves the win. Well done 💜💜
    I really hope she makes it in time for her create and craft shows but think they’ll show her anyway at a later time should the traffic hold her up too long. I shall be watching 😁
    I absolutely loved Claire’s live and have already tried making this but it didn’t turn out too brilliantly so shall have another go at it when I can.
    Your live today was also stunningly good Dawn thank you 💜
    Mary your a beautiful lady. You must love your job as a teacher being there for so long.
    I hope you get your little hedgehog 🦔 awww. I love them too. 🥰
    May all your dreams be fulfilled.
    What a fabulous blog Dawn. I so enjoy reading them. Thank you again for so much information. See you at the shows everyone 😁
    Lots of love
    Connie 💜
